What if you thought of yourself as both and it changed everything?

Do you think of yourself as an artist first and business owner second? 

Say it with me again. You deserve to thrive. We don't have to be starving artists. But it can be hard to break out of that pattern without learning and adopting sound business practices.

Seriously. It's time to embrace business ownership. Your work/life boundaries and bank account balance will thank you.

But that wasn’t always my mindset.

When I first started my business, administrative tasks felt confusing and intimidating, and I didn’t realize how lonely entrepreneurship could be. It was difficult to confidently and unapologetically make decisions, and, after several years of relying on the internet for what turned out to be mostly terrible advice, I realized that all creative entrepreneurs could benefit from supportive, experienced, and successful mentors who provide practical and insightful advice.

You deserve to thrive.

You can:

…make confident decisions.

…lead a balanced life.

…avoid burnout.

…create an unapologetic brand.

…embrace your value.

…crack a smile (or at least stop sweating bullets) when you open an Excel spreadsheet.


It might seem daunting, but together, we've got this...

That's Where I Come In

Transformation Mini-Sessions

Videography for Photographers

Transformation Package

Choose your next step

I'm ready to transform!

-Incorporate bookkeeping practices that alleviate the dread you feel whenever it’s time to balance the books
-Utilize pricing formulas nix the guesswork and allow you to build a sustainable lifestyle
-Master cashflow basics to empower you to plan confidently for the future
-Evaluate your current marketing efforts and identify how to improve
-Build an exceptional client experience and handle so-called “problem” clients without breaking a sweat
-Create systems and workflows that get things done efficiently

This 6-week program–customized with your unique business and goals in mind–will teach you how to:

Pricing formulas? Excel spreadsheets? Your newsletter list? Sounds sexy, right? (Yes, I see you emphatically shaking your head no). But being empowered to take charge of these areas of your business leads not only to financial stability but also to reduced stress. Imagine being able to turn down a gig you’re not interested in without worrying about how it will affect your bottom line. Imagine outsourcing your not-so-favorite tasks. Imagine that you have the flexibility to take artistic risks. 

Join me for customized 1:1 calls where we will tackle all the pain points in your business together. This package also includes ongoing support as you work toward your goals. 

For passionate photographers and videographers who want to run a thriving business but feel overwhelmed by what that entails.

 Transformation Package

option one

I want to learn video!

Which pieces of equipment to invest in and how to leverage your existing gear

Techniques that will allow you to master documentary-style videography quickly and confidently

Post-production and client workflows 

That adding video to your current offerings isn’t as scary as it might seem!

This live, 6-week 1:1 course will teach you:

Why add video? For starters, video is becoming increasingly important across multiple marketing platforms and campaigns, and is rapidly increasing in popularity with consumers. Clients benefit because they don't have to worry about consistency in style and quality, and they don't have to hire and coordinate with multiple vendors. And you are able to charge more per gig, drive down your client acquisition costs, and differentiate yourself in a saturated industry. As a self-taught, award-winning videographer, I can show you how simple, approachable, and practical videography can be. 

For photographers or creative entrepreneurs in any industry who’d like to add videography to their current repertoire.

Videography for Photographers

option two

The sky’s the limit here, friends. Book a two-hour mentoring session to troubleshoot one area of your business that has grown into a pain point, and we’ll develop a plan together.


Popular Mini Session Topics
-Portfolio Review
-Price Structure
-Website Review
-Brand Strategy
-Client Experience

quick solutions for creatives

option three

I’m a photographer and videographer who loves capturing and celebrating each of my clients' unique stories, and I’m an educator who thrives on helping fellow creative entrepreneurs price and market themselves with conviction, create amazing client experiences, and navigate difficult business decisions with confidence.

Over the past six years, I’ve built two successful businesses, one of which was named among the Top 9 Wedding Videographers in Boston, Massachusetts. Harper's Bazaar, Huffington Post,
Junebug Weddings, and Style Me Pretty are just a few of the places where my work has been published.

I believe that embracing business ownership leads to creative freedom and financial security.

Hi, I'm Hannah. 

Book your exploration call now!

Ready to transform your business?