Learn to the secrets of pricing print products confidently for FREE!
Book your free exploration call and be on your way to creative freedom!
I believe that embracing business ownership leads to creative freedom and financial security.
Someone asked me recently what the top thing I see photographers struggle with is. What immediately came to mind is pricing. Practically every day I see questions in groups about how to price packages or print offerings. It seems that most of us figure out how to price ourselves by asking a bunch of people in the industry what they charge for something and guessing from there.
And I get it. It’s tempting and seems logical to price yourself by finding out what similar photographers and videographers are charging. It’s quick and easy, you don’t have to do any math, and if someone else is charging that price it must be correct, right? But the truth is that pricing based on actual numbers instead of guesswork is one of the most important steps toward building a sustainable and profitable business. Here are my top three reasons why pricing yourself matters.
Are you ready to learn how to confidently and accurately price yourself? Great news! I have an absolutely free course on how to confidently price your prints and albums just for you.
Be sure to check your promotions tab or spam folder just in case the internet decides to eat my email to you (rude!)
Or if you’d like to have a conversation about pricing and your business and financial goals, drop me a note and book your free exploration call.
I believe that embracing business ownership leads to creative freedom and financial security.
All Photos of Hannah were taken by
Elizabeth Joy Sanders